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2019-10-04 08:26:38

Thanks to great response on a thread at reddit I made, I created another Suikoden Rune, the True Wind Rune.

There are more requests to redo runes, so I'm going to create images for those too.

The structure of the "Suikoden Runes Redone" page is from 2007, and it shows - now that we have so many runes available, the page is taking long to load and it's also difficult to navigate.

If I have some time, I will split it up and redo the whole section.

posted by docower

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2019-10-03 08:59:06

First of all, I wish happy birthday to the reunified Germany! I like living there, and the open minded spirit that still prevails there. This website is not going to be political or any of these things, but I was able to become what I are because of how things are here now. So keep rocking, ol' Deutschland, stay peaceful, and don't let evil people control you.

Aside of that, of course we have new stuff! It's a couple of Suikoden images. I think, many of them were designated wallpapers back when they were released, but they're too small for any screen size nowadays. Since I didn't have them online in old RPG-O-Mania, I didn't upload them into the "Vintage" galleries of the wallpapers but just treat them as normal art.

posted by docower

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2019-10-02 12:57:17

Oh well, so much done, and so little effect.

I changed every page here on this website, but the changes are quite hard to spot: Some pages like links, galleries or wallpapers have a more convenient navigation or overhauled looks.

Other than that, every page now has an appropriate title that should make navigating tabs in mobile devices easier.

More content stuff again tomorrow! :)

posted by docower

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2019-10-01 14:06:03

I did another Suikoden Rune today - the Beast Rune, that creepy rune from Suikoden II.

You can see it in our Suikoden Runes Redone section.

I think this one is pretty close to the original, although I had to make up some own decisions because the pictures I found on the net were all quite blurry.

posted by docower

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2019-10-01 14:05:57

I did another Suikoden Rune today - the Beast Rune, that creepy rune from Suikoden II.

You can see it in our Suikoden Runes Redone section.

I think this one is pretty close to the original, although I had to make up some own decisions because the pictures I found on the net were all quite blurry.

posted by docower

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