Older news This Design has been used in RPG-O-Mania 12, 2007 - 2009 (return to main site - even older news)
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"Greetings, Hero!" New to this place? For starters, why don't you check out the spotlight section for information about upcoming and already tested RPGs or the coverage section for more in-depth reports?
Wallpapers and the music section are also worth a view if you want to enjoy high quality RPG media. If you want to praise or criticise us or feel the need to comment something, please contact us!
I've got some spare minutes this mornung, and I found out that there are new and interesting Crystal Chronicles news available. As always, I posted them over at the Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Shrine.
I'm usually not the type of person to get too excited about a new link, but I definitely wanted to point out that there's a new website posted in the links section. It's Final Fantasy Compendium, a page which made me fixed on the monitor for more than one hour. It's such an impressive page filled with loads of information about Final Fantasy, you should really check it out.
Since I wasn't able to write any preview for the new Crystal Chronicles games up until now, I thought I'd fill the galleries a little. There's a new gallery online, for all the .hack games. This time, I filled it with .hack//gu images.
SquareEnix is finally publishing news about the new Crystal Chronicles games more frequently. As always, our Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles page sums everything new up for you.
Time for some exclusiveness. You might not notice it by looking at them, but those new Final Fantasy wallpapers are somewhat exclusive. Well even if you don't care about those things, there are four new hi-res wallpapers there.
Actually, new are just three of them. I completely forgot that one of these wallpapers has already been updated, in a slightly different shape. But well, you can choose which one you like.
I should update some artworks I have already prepared, but I found another update more important... there have more news surfaced about the new Crystal Chronicles games, all covered here at our Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles page. You might wonder why I don't publish those news here on the news pages as well, but you see... it would be much weirder to post the same news twice on the same site as just referring to the small shrine here... I think.
RPG-O-Mania's Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles shrine has gathered all the informations available on the upcoming FF:CC games. If you're interested in these games, you might want to check it out.
I'm going to prepare a spotlight article about these new games soon.
You know, there's one thing that's bugging me. Although the page gets loads of visitors, I rarely get any feedback concerning the site. Every now and then, an E-Mail arrives (there's a contact address shown on the right side of this page, you know :)), but it's nothing you'd call "a lot of". Don't get me wrong, I'm not demanding praise or anything like that. Well, of course it would be nice to receive word that the job I'm doing here is good, but I'd also be glad to receive criticism if there's something amiss.
Some time passed since then, but once I got a few mails that rather zinged me - one was about a filter I used on bad scans as an attempt to improve the images' quality. I'm really open to any form of criticism (as long as the critic minds his or her manners, of course), and I'm also willing to talk things over and reply to those mails.
Well, I don't want you to criticise me just for the sake of it (that would be pretty stupid of me, heh), but I'd be happy to receive a few words of my fellow visitors that tell me if what I'm doing here online is good or bad.
Take a look and watch a short teaser-video, not too much to see there but still, it's more than nothing at all.
Anyway, looks like there will be more FFCC-News around soon, pending website for the Wii-version included.
If you are into Kosuke Fujishimas artworks, speaking of some Tales of Games, you might want to know about the upcoming game set to be released in 2007.
Whether Marvelous Interactive did a good job remains to be seen, especially since that game won't see western shelves ... so enjoy the artwork if you aren't in Japan to grab your copy then.
Wrong you are. Signing back after a - well, not-so-short break - and coming up with some news you want to take note of:
The best thing about Blue Dragon? Surely, if you ask me.
Now, seriously, if you are into special editions and currently in Japan right now, you might want to grab one of the Blue Dragon packs providing you with some goodies like a special faceplate.
In other news, Toriyama also haunts DS users in their dreams ...
Again, visit the official Website for some screens and impressions. If you dislike "Master" Toriyamas artworks, don't even dare to look. Also, beware of a »huge« flash-sites, might take a bit to load ...
Last but not least, if you are still pondering of what to give your beloved (gaming) one, remember Irems 2007-calendar.
If you already have a present, then consider adding Bumpytrot wallpapers to your Irem-collection.
I didn't update the page for such a long time... I know this is not okay, but right now, I've got huge problems organizing time (or rather, getting some free time).
That's not the whole truth though. I've been playing lots of games lately, especially RPGs. Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy III consume most of my free time. I hope you can forgive me playing them, but I thought it would be absurd to support a page while neglecting the games it's based on.
I don't intend to give up RPG-O-Mania, don't you worry... it's just a longer time off...
After the little PSP wallpaper update last time, let's continue adding new pictures that I have collected during the past few weeks. This time, there's a new gallery available, the
There are some nice pictures from this old and still living series. Although I have to admit, I don't have the foggiest about Ys... all I know it's old and that "Ark of Naphiatism" was a classical action RPG.
Basically, the currently ongoing project "Harvest November" was supposed to be continued today. However, after creating another splashscreen for the entrance page (the one with KOS-MOS from Xenosaga), I thought I could change the splashies into PSP wallpapers.
Ah yes... I know the Chrono Cross images are stored in the Trigger gallery, but I still didn't have enough time to create a new gallery system as it was recommended in various e-mails now. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm doing the best I can.
You might remember that «Majoria's News» was mentioned on some occasions before, having pointed out some updates I missed/took no notice of.
Well, the site had to move and lost it's domain, resulting in a drop in people visiting the site. If I hadn't had the mail-adress of it's admin, I wouldn't know anything about the whereabouts of the site, I'm really glad I did find my way back there when he noticed me that he had to move.
Now, I'm sure that there are other people like me as well, however, they might not know how to figure out where the site has moved, so ... take a look, visit his site and tell other people about it.
The release of the upcoming DS RPG Final Fantasy III is coming nearer and nearer, and still there's no sign of that game her on RPG-O-Mania. Or rather "there was", because you can get information about this game here on RPG-O-Mania's new spotlight as well.
Just as the review was late, everything else here on RPG-O-Mania is. With my studies slowly reaching their end, I have less and less private time - sorry.
Ah no, don't get me wrong, I'm not in the army now (I skipped this part of my career), but I'm back in the german workforce, at least for 18 weeks. This basically wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for a nasty cold I caught, so being sick while working and all... long story put short, I don't feel too good, hence this delayed update.
Aside of some minor media update you're going to face some bigger Suikoden-updates in the future. But today, there's only a little history update at the Tides of History section.
This isn't a joke, right-click on the logo on top of the official website and look for the alternative text-message. That's some real Denglish!
Now, if Shion get's serious, you should, too .... maybe. The game will come out in Japan on 2006.07.06 - let's hope we'll get it, too ....
Anyway, GameWatch has some new screenies up along with some new character-artworks/renderings. Shelly Godwin and Miyuki Itsumi will give Shion a hard time with being the "most favourite Xenogirl of all time", eh? That remains to be seen ....
You didn't think you could get away without the obligatory "Zettai Friday", did you?
Some new wallpapers and a very strange Newspaper is online, go and take a look at it ... you'll have to see that (Adobe-Reader needed)
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Be sure to get that game if it's going to be released here - it's from the guys which always do that crazy stuff on their homepage, after all!
Hey, as Vio mentioned some months ago, we're not totally ignoring the XBox 360 here. So here it is, the 99 Nights gallery. That game surely looks promising!
I know, you're surely surprised because of this new design. Where did this come from all of a sudden? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I bet most of you think that the old design was more beautiful than this one.
Yet, it had to be created or else there was even the risk that RPG-O-Mania closed - I just wasn't satisfied about the new "version 11" layout at all. Why create it in the first place, then? You see, I just fiddled around in Photoshop and created the dark, blue layout. I showed it to some friends and they were all quite enthusiastic about it. I, however, had some doubts from the very beginning. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that my friends don't have a good taste, I even assume they were right when they told me that the layout was good. However, I am working diligently on this site, and if something bugs me like this cold, dark, "wintery" layout, then I run into the risk of losing fun working here.
So, as a countermeasure, I created this friendly, bright layout. After two dark layouts in a row and almost two years of RPG-O-Mania being a rather dark website, I feel so relieved. I hope you don't mind living with a rather mediocre design, but I like it so much more... the content remains untouched though.
Again, big sorry to all the readers. The new gallery will come up tomorrow, as promised.
Yes, they have become pretty rare, but here is another Code Age Update!
*yaaay, party people!*
Well .... there is actually no reason to celebrate. We should rather be sitting around, having no fun at all ... anyway, there is some new stuff up there we surely never get to play (and see), so you might not want to check it out ... if you happen to head over there anyway, take a look at the Code Age Archives-section, take a look at the manga-"scans"/screenies.
Now, to tell you something you might not find anywhere else ... interestingly, there seems to be a problem with registering the logo of Code Age Commanders, at least SquareEnix tried to make an amendment which seems not to be granted, for whatever reason ... a bad sign?
We'll have to see ...
Now, since i have too much time at my hands, i looked around and found the following patents being filed by SquareEnix recently:
- Dawn of Mana (2006-03-22)
- Lost Episode (2006-03-08)
- The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors (2006-03-20)
Let's look what they will have in mind regarding that Trademarks ...
This update is one of the "read"-type updates again. After I finished Grandia III a few weeks ago, I wanted to write a review.
I already mentioned that before, but for me, a RPG review should only be written after a game has been finished - I mean, how could you cover the whole Epos of a story-focused RPG without finishing it. It's even more rude to rate a unfinished game.
So here is it, the Grandia III afterplay-spotlight. I hope you like it, although I somehow think my english wasn't the best one there. Well, I hope you let me know if I'm right or wrong.