
Various music as tracked music files, MP3s or midis. These melodies have been re-composed by fans, and they often sound as good as the original. Here are some of my own songs included.

To listen to those songs, I highly recommend:
Vox for Mac
Foobar2000 for Windows
Modizer for iOS
MidiPlayer X for Mac

Please note that I do not get any money for these recommendations, they are no partner sales links.

Music types

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You can choose from three main music pages here. "20 years of rpg-o-mania" covers an album full of remixed MP3s (thanks to OverClocked ReMix) that was released on rpg-o-manias 20th birthday. Digital music is mainly "tracked" files (MOD, S3M, and so on) and midi music contains midi music files.

The latter two are old file formats that are difficult to get to play on modern machines out of the box, but there are some gems within these music files, so I thought I'd share - especially if it's perfectly legal music enjoyment.

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