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2019-07-30 13:27:21

I almost feel like in the golden age of rpg-o-mania again. I met a nice person on twitter who wrote a very interesting retrospective about Persona. Thanks a log, Kaoru!

In the past months, there was Disa who answered lots of questions about mapmaking in RPGs and now Kaoru who wrote lots of information about a game series that's shockingly unfamiliar to me.

My only contact with Persona was a session of about 4 hours in Persona 3 back in 2006 when some friends were over for a gaming session.

Of course, both are now mentioned in our credits.

posted by docower

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2019-07-29 20:14:10

After asking around on Twitter for ageless RPGs, the famous RPG:GoldenYears channel recommended Ys Book I & Two for the PC Engine / Turbo Duo that was released in 1989 or 1990 in the US.

I checked out the games and looked at some Longplays, and it's really impressive what Falcom has created 30 years ago.

So I added the game(s) to the ageless RPGs list.

posted by docower

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2019-07-28 19:39:36

Today I expanded the recommendations for every generation area.

I made a cut within the present generation so that the page doesn't become too big, and I just made the split at the relaunch day of new rpg-o-mania here.

The newest additions to ageless RPGs are Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Dragon's Dogma. Read in the linked article why I think this is.

But if you think I'm not right or if you have any recommendations for ageless games, just contact me!

posted by docower

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2019-07-25 10:41:01

Ever since I started thinking about Star Ocean V last week, I'm sorta in a Star Ocean vibe. After we added art assets from Star Ocean V and III in the art gallery, today I added a couple of nice Star Ocean IV images.

The art style of that game is great, and since my desire to play Star Ocean got stronger and stronger, I decided to play "The Last Hope" on my good old PlayStation 3. I only played it a couple of hours before, but I think I could like it, just like I loved the predecessor and successor.

posted by docower

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2019-07-24 15:50:11

It's art time again! Since I'm somewhat on a Star Ocean spree, I added Star Ocean 3 imagery.

I really, really loved the game, and it was one of the first hard rpgs where I played the bonus content a lot - although I wasn't able to finish the hard final bonus bosses.

What I actually didn't like so much was the art. But yeah, it's about the game, and it's high resolution, so... enjoy!

posted by docower

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