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2019-07-20 20:55:10

Today I created three Trials of Mana wallpapers. They are quite similar to the ones I created recently, but yesterday I finished the game, and I wanted to give a shout out to my party that I played through the past 25 hours.

The game felt great again, and I really enjoyed every minute. In fact, I might have enjoyed it a bit too much, since I was so overpowered at the last boss fight, that I didn't even get his second music - which is a shame, because I love the tune "Sacrifice, Part III, which would be the final final boss theme. Oh well.

Now I feel this emptiness that crawls up my spine every time I finish a great game. And especially one I love so dearly as Trials of Mana.

posted by docower

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2019-07-19 22:15:11

There's a new review online - today I added the Terranigma review. This game is a really lovely short SNES action RPG with a truly impressive story.

This is basically a "vintage review", since I have written this text in 2001 for a german games website. Yet, I didn't really "own" this website and also I had to completely rewrite it since the original text was in German.

So yeah, for the english speaking, rpg-o-mania reading world, this review is new. 😅

posted by docower

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2019-07-17 08:54:07

After I checked out information on the Star Ocean V moment I added yesterday, I thought I'd look for some nice artwork of this game - and here it is, a bunch of nice Star Ocean V images.

Hm, now that I have the Star Ocean gallery here, maybe I should add other Star Ocean imagery as well... :D

posted by docower

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2019-07-16 13:29:50

There is a new noticeable death scene within our death and RPGs: friends section that contains Spoilers! for Star Ocean V: Integrity and Faithlessness.

So no Trials of Mana update today, but I thought about this scene for some days now and thought I'd share it here on rpg-o-mania!

Please be aware that the linked page in this news entry really contains a lot of spoilers!

posted by docower

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2019-07-15 12:31:55

As you could see in the past few updates, I'm quite hooked to Trials of Mana again. I just love this game, for me, it does everything just perfect: Visuals, music, story, gameplay, variety... everything is so top notch!

But I haven't played it for a long time now, and I forgot some things - so I expanded my class change guide with information about how to get the ??? seeds for the items that are required to perform the change.

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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