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2020-04-02 20:47:15

"So much done, so little to see". Well, today was just another maintenance update. After I realized that the load times of the gallery page increased tremendously, I did the same for the wallpapers gallery. And while I was on it, I also fixed an issue with the Fire Emblem wallpapers not showing up from time to time.

So it's all little tweaks and fixes today. I still hope your day is as great as possible!

posted by docower

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2020-04-02 10:54:04

Today I created the new Nier gallery, starting with two images from the upcoming remake of the game, Nier Replicant. It's only a humble beginning, but I have friends who are very fond especially of Yoko Taro, the head behind the Nier games, so why don't give it a shot.

Other than that, I worked hard the last few days, and the result won't be noticed by much. However, since I'm currently living in a place with a very bad internet connection, I realized that the galleries and wallpapers page took too much time to load. So I decided to change the process how the galleries are displayed from a technical point of view, and now the galleries load much, much faster. The wallpapers will follow soon.

posted by docower

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2020-03-30 19:56:44

Today I added another link to a very interesting site - the site's called SwitchRPG and the link can be found on our links page. Well, or to make it easier, it's

I also added two nice assets to our Ys art galleries.

On another note, I'm just reworking the galleries so that they load somewhat faster. But I'm not finished yet, expect some news in the next few days.

posted by docower

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2020-03-29 20:31:39

This year, Nintendo will release the second (or third) game of the "Bravely" series on the Nintendo Switch. If you haven't already, there is a demo of "Bravely Default II" available on the eShop.

I was never too fond of the series, as I thought that the gameplay was very slow thanks to the pacing of the battles where players have to defend first before they attack. It's kinda odd to me, but I'm going to try out Bravely Default II.

I added some nice artworks to the newly created Bravely Default gallery.

And as always, stay as healthy as you can!

posted by docower

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2020-03-27 17:51:12

Nintendo just released a new artwork of the Xenoblade remake. Looks quite nifty, so I thought I'd share.

There's also some changes going on in the usability department, the newly introduced image viewer has been added to the Suikoden runes redone section.

posted by docower

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