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2020-04-09 21:18:19

Today I was able to finish the Trials of Mana wallpaper I wanted to do.

Here, take a look at our Mana wallpapers gallery.

That's all for today! Have a nice easter weekend, give your loved ones a call and stay as healthy as you can!

posted by docower

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2020-04-08 21:07:59

Just some new Final Fantasy images I stumbled upon today. I wanted to do another Mana wallpaper today, but sadly I wasn't able to get the creativity flow going, and since I like the wallpaper from yesterday so much, I want to come up with something similar appealing.

So stay tunes, I'm going to continue working on the project of Mana wallpapers. Until then, enjoy some Nomura designed belts.

posted by docower

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2020-04-07 21:00:37

This is a small and a big update at the same time.

Small, because there are only two new things online. Big, because creating those things caused me lots of work. So please enjoy two new Trials of Mana wallpapers.

They're basically the same wallpaper, but one has a grainy effect (which I like) and one is cleaner without that effect. Choose whichever you like!

posted by docower

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2020-04-06 22:59:15

I reviewed a game I had high hopes for, but in the end, didn't like as much:

Feda - the Emblem of Justice.

Why I didn't like a game that's so much like a game I love - find it out in our review.

I'm still a bit disappointed. Sigh.

posted by docower

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2020-04-04 17:32:18

Today I added some higher quality images of the original Nier game.

I'm still not really sure if I'd be able to like the Nier games. The gameplay looks a bit weird, but on the other hand, the game also looks kinda appealing.

For me, the original Nier looks a tad more interesting than the second one (Automata), so I'm waiting for the remake of the original one to see if I like it. You'll find out here at rpg-o-mania if such a thing actually occured.

Until then, just enjoy the art :)

posted by docower

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