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2022-02-10 17:19:19

Oh look, Chrono Cross is coming to the Nintendo Switch, and as it seems, it's getting a better treatment in terms of HD conversion than Final Fantasy games beforehand. I like that!

Square also presented some new artwork, and since we're not explicitly a news site here, we like the artwork more than the news :)

You can find it in our Chrono gallery.

But wait, something's special. There's a little NoB written on the artwork - and indeed, the art is done by Nobuteru Yuuki, the designer of the original Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3) artwork. How cool is that?

I just wonder why Square Enix let Haccan did the artwork for the Trials of Mana remake when they still work together with Mr. Yuuki?

posted by docower

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2022-02-09 19:32:49

You know, I'm very attached to the former German video game magazine "Video Games".

Like you may know, half of the website's name here is inspired by that old mag.

And so I decided to add another thing that was already famous in the early years of VG, which is "sprite of the month" - we begin in February of 2022 with Katt from Breath of Fire 2.

I know that nowadays, most characters are not displayed as sprites anymore, so we use this term more generously and apply it to any video game character. :)

posted by docower

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2022-02-07 20:22:14

Today, you can find our Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker review online!

Compared to its direct predecessor "Shadowbringers", I think Endwalker can't keep up with the high level of quality, but in the end, the rating of the game is still exceptionally high!

posted by docower

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2022-02-01 19:10:48

Today I added some new (and improved some old) I am Setsuna artwork.

I'm also currently preparing a new set of articles. I want to cover the spirit of certain years in the RPG world, so this will be a bigger project.

In the past few days I made some minor changes on the site.

If there are no new showcases on the front page, the showcases start to rotate and display something different every time the page is viewed. I also updated some of our links.

posted by docower

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2022-01-25 15:44:20

Square Enix just released another datacenter for Final Fantasy XIV in Oceania.

Along with the launch of that server, they released a wallpaper depicting a map of Australia and New Zealand in the style of Final Fantasy XIV, which is very nice.

I uploaded it to our Final Fantasy wallpaper gallery!

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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