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2022-03-14 19:29:45

After a brief discussion on Twitter, our friend Kaoru decided so smash his fingers into they keyboard and create a fine review about Shin Megami Tensei 3 HD on the Nintendo Switch.

This is about the longest review for a single game on rpg-o-mania we have ever seen. It's very detailed and very informative.

Be sure to check it out!

posted by docower

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2022-03-10 19:55:08

Oh wow, Square Enix announced a new game in the Valkyrie Profile series, although it is not called Valkyrie Profile anymore - it's called Valkyrie Elysium and it's said to be an action RPG.

The game seems to be an action RPG, the trailer can be viewed here.

It has a nice atmosphere to it, but also looks a bit bland. I'm not sure yet what to think about it, and there's too little information available to do a proper preview.

Square Enix also released a nice key visual for the game, which I uploaded to our Valkyrie Profile gallery

Here are two sample screenshots from the game:

posted by docower

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2022-03-07 22:33:27

As per our new rule, I added this month's sprite of the month.

And as described the last time, this time it's not really a sprite, but rather a bunch of very spiky polygons.

It's Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7.

You can read more in the corresponding page!

posted by docower

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2022-03-01 19:27:51

It's just a small one today, but I found a very nicely done Grandia wallpaper on reddit by user WolloloUwU, and after asking them, they allowed me to put the wallpaper here.

So enjoy.

And always remember, hug your loved ones!

posted by docower

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2022-02-28 19:28:38

Whoops, I didn't provide additional background to yesterday's update.

But as you can see on the showcase up above, we have added some Suikoden Tierkreis artwork.

I decided to let Suikoden Tierkreis have its own gallery. It is a Suikoden game and it's quite good, but it doesn't really fit the previous games as it's playing in a new world, and so I thought it would be useful to put the artwork in their own gallery.

posted by docower

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