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2019-03-06 19:36:36

I'm still on the road and wasn't able to finish the retrospective I wanted to write for a few days now. It's going to be online soon, but right now I'm not able to publish the article. Meh.

Yet, I found out that I have some spare time on my business trip while I'm waiting for some people, so I fiddled around in Photoshop and created a new Xenoblade wallpaper based on a little piece of official art that had been posted recently.

The original artwork can be found in the Xenoblade gallery.

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2019-01-20 10:47:22

Right now I enjoy some time with my family at my parents' house, so I can't really provide a big update this time. Nonetheless, I uploaded some nice Xenoblade Chronicles X images to the corresponding gallery.

You see, I never got into Xenosaga, but last year I tried out Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and now I'm playing the predecessor, although they are not so much connected, story-wise. I already have Xenoblade Chronicles 3D available to my disposal, which I think I'm going to play after I finished X.

It's a really great series and I'm impressed by Monolith Soft. They did a great job!

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2019-01-17 13:24:38

I just edited the last news entry - it promoted a new "revies" :D

This time I have a new moment for you - The battle system of Child of Light. I still like to listen to the music of that game and remember that moment.

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2019-01-17 13:23:14

It's a bigger update this time.

First of all, you can see some more information about this sites' background on the new selected versions history page. But I assume you're not here to dive into rpg-o-mania's past.

So I also have a new review of Phantasy Star online for you.

Enjoy the content. I enjoyed creating it!

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2019-01-11 21:03:34

Okay, so I'm back from Istanbul and we're also back with the regular updates. This time, I added another moment to the "moments" area in the coverage section.

This time, it's about Star Ocean 3's intro which impressed me back even in 2002. A great game and still a great impression in the intro.

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Really darn old news

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