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2019-02-14 19:34:34

Good evening everyone! You know, whenever I start a new series of articles, like the Moments, or the pop culture ones, I tend to give them more content in the next few updates.

And this time, it's the same with the boss fights. I covered the fight(s) against Kefka in the corresponding boss fights section.

Be warned that this is a very spoiler heavy text!

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2019-02-12 13:22:30

Heya, just a little content update this time: I added another Boss fight to our list of remarkable battles. This one is a bit shorter than the first one!

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2019-02-10 20:18:44

Hi there!

It's finally done, I started the next series of articles - Boss Fights. Thanks to the input of some friends and reddit, I'm able to write a few of the neater boss fights in RPG games.

The set of reports start with a pretty significant boss, Luca Blight from Suikoden II.

That's it for this update, have a great time wherever you are now.

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2019-02-08 14:48:51

Hello and a good afternoon! Right now, I'm in the middle of creating a new set of reports, covering some noteworthy and interesting boss battles.

I already asked some friends and reddit's rpg_gamers subreddit which especially great boss battles they remember, and I've got lots of feedback which will become a new set of articles. Even the cover image already exists, but I was lacking time a bit the past few days.

I think I'll publish this new set of information piece by piece so that you can view it as soon as possible.

Aside of that, I uploaded a few nice pictures for your viewing pleasure. These images are from the Dissidia: Final Fantasy battle games and can be found in the Final Fantasy gallery.

The portraits are mostly designed by Tetsuya Nomura. I didn't like his characters for a long time, but after playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I can live with them.

It's really fascinating - let someone design a character you like, and suddenly you like the character style.

I also uploaded a few Xenoblade screenshots from my current playthrough.

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2019-02-05 09:53:55

This is just a small update in-between. If you take a look over at the Coverage section, you can see that it's reorganized and easier to navigate now!

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Really darn old news

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