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2020-03-15 19:30:49

In 2020, there's not only Trials of Mana that will be released the next month, but also a new Xenoblade Chornicles game - or a old one, because it's going to be a remake of the original Xenoblade Chronicles game.

I added the artworks of main characters Fiona and Shulk to our Xeno gallery.

Stay safe and healthy out there!

posted by docower

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2020-03-12 19:27:04

I added a paragraph to our report about story and gameplay deaths. This idea popped into my head in my current Fire Emblem playthrough, since I'm not sure if I would like to play the game with "permadeath" activated or not.

Personally, I chose to play without permadeath, since it is annoying for me having to restart a battle if a character accidentally dies that is vital to my party.

posted by docower

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2020-03-09 19:57:12

I noticed that yesterday's wallpapers are hard to read on some phone lock screens (especially the iPhones), since the time and date is hard to read. So I reworked them a little and blurred the upper part, so that it doesn't interfere with the phone's UI design.

You can download them here!

posted by docower

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2020-03-08 19:56:52

Square Enix released a new trailer for the Trials of Mana remake these days, and it's just stunning - you can check it out here.

And since I was in a Trials of Mana mood, I converted some of the artworks posted recently in the original artwork gallery to be some mobile wallpapers. Just follow the link to the corresponding gallery.

posted by docower

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2020-03-06 20:17:36

Finally some new original content here (aside of the screenshots).

I have written a little report about why early Shining Force games still have some features that are still unmatched even today.

Find out more in our The Greatness of Shining Force page!

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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