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2020-03-06 20:17:36

Finally some new original content here (aside of the screenshots).

I have written a little report about why early Shining Force games still have some features that are still unmatched even today.

Find out more in our The Greatness of Shining Force page!

posted by docower

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2020-03-01 21:34:03

Oh well, my weekend was full of getting furniture out of our house, which is heavily damaged after the fire. So I'm not really able to write essays and articles. I can even rarely play. So all I can do for you now is to notify you about our new Fire Emblem Screenshots, which contain lots of Spoilers! about the latter half of the game.

posted by docower

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2020-02-27 20:26:58

We're still in the process of trying to save things from our damaged house, so updates are a bit more scarce these days.

I added some Fire Emblem: Three Houses art for you to enjoy. It's just a bit of promo art that Nintendo shared, and I'm surely going to write some fancy review as soon as I finished the game.

posted by docower

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2020-02-25 20:35:04

Today, I have added four more recommendations by Kaoru.

You can find them here and here.

The games he added are

- Ys: Oath of Felgana
- Mother 3
- Persona 3 Portable
- Nier

posted by docower

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2020-02-24 22:27:23

Another small update this time, but I'm currently preparing something bigger for the next update.

I'm a bit slow in updating the page these days if you noticed, and the reason for this is not a nice one. My Family and I experienced a fire in our house which forced us to leave for the time being.

Right now we're trying to get everything fixed as soon as possible - thankfully, no one is hurt and the damage is big but not beyond repair.

So please bear with me and some slower updates for the next few weeks, I'm full of ideas of what to add to good old rpg-o-mania here.

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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