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2020-07-08 20:36:58

Today I added a list of reasons why Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is great, even if our review only suggests a "good" game.

I thought it's interesting to start such an article now that the HD rerelease of the game is coming soon.

Now, with the clumsy Gameboy Advance Multiplayer setup out of the way, it should be possible for everyone to enjoy the game together with friends. I'm curious if the general reception of this nice game will improve as well.

posted by docower

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2020-07-07 09:26:41

Some little changes in our "showcases" area on the main page. To be honest, when I first released the showcases, it was just fiddled right into HTML by me; but now it is changed so that it loads the acutal showcases dynamically. You can also now choose to show random showcases, but at the moment only the five you see exist. More will come with each content update.

I also fixed some errors in our history page 2, but I think that's of minor interest to most of you 😅

Thanks again to Zargkhon for pointing out an error at the showcases where the images I've choosen as thumbnails didn't fit properly.

posted by docower

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2020-07-05 13:29:26

We're still in the progress of reworking rpg-o-mania here and there. Today I added a nifty "Showcase" to be the first thing you see when you look at the page. If things look a bit strange to you, just wait until your browser reloaded everything - or refresh yourself. You need to completely refresh the page, though. :)

The website should look like this:

Our friend Kaoru added a commentary to the Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana-review. I found it interesting that he did not have such a positive verdict as we had. I also linked his full length review (in German), if you're interested.

posted by docower

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2020-07-01 19:47:47

Yesterday, I got a nice press release from NIS America - they announced that Trails of Cold Steel III has just been released on the Nintendo Switch. And thanks to that, we have some nice art galleries now online.

You see, I never played a Trails game before, and so many people warn me that I should at least play Trails of Cold Steel I before getting my hands on part III.

It's so tempting to just step in now... the game looks so good, I really think about just playing it after I finished Xenoblade Chronicles DE...

posted by docower

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2020-06-30 20:11:04

Part I of rpg-o-mania's 2020 overhaul is complete. I exchanged the layout with a more subtle one in terms of colors and fonts, and some other tweaks here and there.

But generally, the website looks a bit brighter and friendlier now. I will also change some more things in the upcoming weeks and days, so stay tuned!

And of course, new content will come soon as well!

posted by docower

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