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2021-03-16 11:14:43

Today, I added a review about Legend of Mana. This review isn't actually new per se since it had been released on this website in 2000.

But since Square Enix just recently announced that the game would get a new release on various modern platforms, I decided to reupload this old review and add some new thoughts.

As soon as I can get my hands onto the game (I actually never played Legend of Mana!), I'm going to write a modern review :)

posted by docower

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2021-03-14 20:27:46

Square Enix recently released some information about an expansion to Final Fantasy XIV, along with some nice artworks.

Some of these artworks have been uploaded to the wallpaper galleries recently, the new ones have been added to the Final Fantasy XIV art gallery.


posted by docower

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2021-03-13 22:54:29

This is a huge update - albeit with not so much content for you, dear visitors. In the past few days, I worked hard so that I could offer bright and dark layouts, if you prefer one or the other.

Just click or tap on the lightbulb in the top right corner and you can change the corresponding layout - or just click here.

I'm going to continue with regular updates soon.

posted by docower

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2021-03-08 22:35:37

Some new wallpapers in the Final Fantasy wallpaper gallery. They're about the new addon of Final Fantasy XIV which was announced just recently.

Speaking Final Fantasy XIV, I never expected a MMO to be that appealing to me. I really enjoy my hours playing this game, even if I'm mostly playing solo!

posted by docower

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2021-03-02 19:22:57

Today, it's a good old art update.

Square Enix recently announced that the Final Fantasy VII remake will get a PS5 upgrade along with a new chapter that revolves around Yuffie, a character that also appeared on the original game.

We have some nice character renderings in the corresponding wallpaper and art galleries.

At some point, I surely want to get a PS5 console, but right now, prices and availabilty is just atrocious. So art and videos will have to do until then.

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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