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2021-12-02 20:30:38

Thanks to our friend Binary Scroll, we now have a review of Final Fantasy X online!

This is a translated version of his great article in German on his personal blog.

This is a truly great game that I was never able to play more than a couple of hours. For me personally, I'm just not being able to get into the game, I'm not feeling it. Binary Scroll holds this game in a higher regard. Details about his opinion can be found in the review.

Thanks a lot for allowing me to host the english version here!

posted by docower

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2021-11-30 19:28:27

Currently at weekends, I'm playing Ys IX: Monstrum Nox and like it very much up until now.

Like always, we have a comprehensive screenshot gallery. I just added it to our Ys gallery, which started back when I played Lacrimosa of Dana, and now I just continue feeding it with Monstrum Nox content :)

I also added some new artwork to our Ys artwork gallery.

posted by docower

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2021-11-22 19:53:18

Today we have some special art made by Yoshitaka Amano.

It's about Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI.

Those artworks have recently been found on a 1999s Square Press CD.

You can find the whole pack of CDs on the Internet Archive

posted by docower

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2021-11-16 20:54:38

I added some more Shin Megami Tensei V art today.

The game looks more and more interesting to me, to be honest. I might as well try it out when I finished my current playthrough of Shining Force 2.

posted by docower

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2021-11-15 22:16:53

I'm currently playing Shining Force II again. It's a fun playthrough, and I recommend checking out our screenshots gallery if you're interested in some screenshots about the game.

They're a bit blurry, though, since I'm playing the game as part of the Sega Mega Drive collection on the Nintendo Switch, which has horrible emulation, to be honest.

Anyway, it's a great game that I thoroughly enjoy, and I added another chapter to our Shining Force tips, this time I cover how players could handle computer controlled Peter, who can be a nuisance.

posted by docower

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