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2018-12-24 17:42:46

I wish a merry christmas to all of rpg-o-mania's readers! It's been almost a year now that the page is back up and I hope you were able to enjoy what you've read. I will continue to provide updates as my time schedule allows it (but this worked just fine this year, didn't it?).

So yeah, here we are, we're approaching 2019, which will be the 20th anniversary of the domain, which is still in use today. We'll see how we celebrate September 6th this year!

Y'all take care, stay safe and let's wait for the next regular update here!

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2018-12-23 22:50:34

There are some new Secret of Mana artworks from the remake online in the corresponding gallery.

We really did lots of "Mana" updates recently. The game, even the remake, left some impression on me and I really enjoy digging up some stuff from this marvelous game.

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2018-12-21 20:55:14

Now that I reviewed both the original Secret of Mana as well as its remake, I decided it might be nice to show what the biggest differences are between these games.

If you notice any more, feel free to contact me anytime (for instance, on my twitter-handle @DocOwer)

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2018-12-19 12:16:11

After I reviewed Secret of Mana recently, here is the review of the remake. I was surprised how much I liked it, especially since the overall reception of the game was only lukewarm. I think I need to create a coverage article of what had been changed in the game compared to the original.

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2018-12-14 12:53:37

Galleries received a little update where you now can click or tap through images. No nice swiping feature yet, but at least images don't show up in a new tab whenever you click or tap onto them!

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Really darn old news

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