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2019-05-09 17:49:18

Today, I added some nice images to the Suikoden gallery. They're a nice collection of Suikoden II images, this time in a high resolution.

Could you believe that it's now 19 years ago that Suikoden II was released? And the last main title, Suikoden V, was released 14 years ago.

Time flies. Time really flies.

posted by docower

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2019-05-07 20:13:33

Another new wallpaper over at the Suikoden wallpaper gallery. I hope you like this one too, it looks a bit different in style.

That's all for today, this was just a short update because I felt like playing with Photoshop :)

posted by docower

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2019-05-06 20:06:22

Lots and lots of old and new wallpapers in the newly created Suikoden wallpaper gallery. There are some from old rpg-o-mania, and two new ones there.

The old ones will most probably not fit newer screens anymore, but maybe they can be used for mobile phones or tablets?

posted by docower

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2019-05-05 11:05:26

I enjoy the music from Overclocked Remix for some time now, there are lots of great fan made tunes there.

With the review of Seiken Densetsu 3 - Songs of Light and Darkness, I have reviewed one of their albums for the first time now. It's from a game that I dearly love.

Be sure to read the review and download the soundtrack for free over at Overclocked Remix.

posted by docower

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2019-05-02 10:47:18

When watching my Twitter timeline, I always realize how first time players are shocked when they reach a certain point in Suikoden.

It's pretty interesting, because I felt the same way back in June of 1997. And I thought let's write it down as a new moment for Suikoden.

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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