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2019-06-13 18:25:11

Keeping up with the daily updates, today it's just a cosmetic one. If you refresh your browser firmly, you can see the changes - I strived for the layout to be a bit more friendly and streamlined. It's mostly just color changes, though.

So nothing special for today, but at least something - more content to come soon again.

posted by docower

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2019-06-12 11:25:04

1999 was a year that I have very fond memories of. It was generally a great year in my private life, but there were also some great games or online experiences I made.

One of the online experiences was this website - rpg-o-mania went online that year. In april, it was published on a free website hoster, and in september it finally received its own top level domain ( and the whole story of the website you're currently visiting started there.

Another memory I have from this time is my first playthrough of Seiken Densetsu 3. You know, I was always a fan of Secret of Mana which was the game I received on christmas 1994. When I heard years later that the successor was released but not translated into english, I was bummed. So my enjoyment was quite big when I was able to download the english patch for this game some time in late spring of 1999.

And ever since then, the only way to play Seiken Densetsu 3 (or "Secret of Mana 2", as we called it back then) was using either emulators or (for the more fancy people) a reproduction cart with the translated rom included. No official release, though.

And now, it happened - the game is released as "Trials of Mana" in the form of an original (pricy) re-release on the Nintendo Switch console and as an upcoming new game for Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 in 2020. I'm really looking forward to see this one - I'm not so sure about the re-release, though.

And to celebrate this new release, I uploaded two pieces of artwork into the Seiken galleries.

posted by docower

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2019-06-11 08:39:33

After the new trailer was presented at the E3 Square Enix conference, Final Fantasy fans around the world are hyping for (or against) the Final Fantasy remake. I'm still generally positive, even though it's sad that only the first episode in Midgar is going to be released at the beginning.

Still, I'm pretty confident that the game is going to be good, the battle system looks great in my opinion! And the soundtrack seems to be very well made, as far what we can tell from trailers.

Anyway, there was some art released with the new trailer, and we have put this art in the respective wallpaper and art galleries.

Also, a new trailer for Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles was released, which also looks promising. Online multiplayer with friends and mobile releases - let's just hope that mobile releases and Switch releases can play together.

posted by docower

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2019-06-10 18:12:16

By request from a user in reddit, I created another new Suikoden rune, this time it's the Pale Gate Rune. A nice and quite sinister looking design which I like a lot.

Rune of Punishment coming up next!

posted by docower

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2019-06-08 20:30:36

More Suikoden runes for you, this time in black and white and vectorized. You can check them out here.

The Soul Eater rune in black and white is in fact the template for my own tattoo 😅

Update 20:30: I just reworked the Lightning Rune after a remark on reddit, since there was a big border in the color SVG version which looked awkward.

posted by docower

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