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2019-08-20 08:30:51

We continue our series about RPG and visual perspective with the over the shoulder perspective. This one's a bit shorter since there are not so many games with this perspective available, at least not in the RPG genre.

Of course, action games and tactical shooters often use an over the shoulder viewpoint, but it's not so common in our favorite genre.

So there's only one perspective left, and it's the one I like the least - thee first persion view. This one will be published soon!

posted by docower

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2019-08-19 10:12:12

Today I added some more Ys VIII - Lacrimosa of Dana images.

I first noticed Ys VIII when it was released on Nintendo's eShop, but I quickly dismissed it as being ugly after seeing the trailer.

But then a friend recommended it a few weeks ago, and I'm totally hooked into the game. It can even look quite beautiful! I'm already creating lots of screenshots for our upcoming review!

posted by docower

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2019-08-16 11:28:12

Just a quick one this time - I added a few images to the Breath of Fire gallery. It's a small mix of Breath of Fire 3 and 4 images.

I never was able to finish Breath of Fire 3, as it always wore me out towards the end because of the countless mini games that are not always easy to pull off. However, I liked the story a lot and will definitely finish it one day.

As for Breath of Fire IV, I bought it back in 2001, but only finished in 2006 because I had such a hell of a backlog back then. Today, I only buy one game whenever I'm out of games to play. You see, I'm a dad with lots of work to do around the house, and I'm busy enough with rpg-o-mania here and some games in my scarce free time!😅

posted by docower

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2019-08-14 08:15:24

We continue our coverage about different perspectives of RPGs today - this time we talk about games in a side scrolling perspective.

RPGs that are displayed from a side view are quite rare, but I was able to dig up some examples from old to new. I had my first side scrolling (action) RPG experience with Wonder Boy in Monster Land, although this one was still more of an action game. Wonder Boy in Monster World then was a true action RPG, which I liked a lot.

It looks especially cool when you travel through the world and see some special areas in the background coming closer every new screen - it's a pity that there are not more games with this technology.

posted by docower

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2019-08-13 10:10:00

The past few days, I worked a bit on the galleries (and subsequently also the wallpapers.

Since some of the galleries have already become quite big, I added paging to them. So now there is a maximum of ten images per gallery to be seen and you can browse through them.

If you're blessed with sort of a sharp eye, you might notice that sometimes the "back to page x of gallery y" button on the images is not perfectly aligned with the gallery number itself.

I still have to find out why that happened, but I'm trying my best - it's only a minor disturbance, though.

posted by docower

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