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2020-01-06 18:41:50

After I finished and reviewed Pokémon Shield, I thought I'd add a few artworks that I found and that mean something to me as I associate them with things I especially liked in the games.

I mean it's easy to find Pokémon art online, so I thought I'd give it a personal touch :)

posted by docower

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2020-01-04 19:53:58

Happy new year! This is the first news post in 2020, which means we're going into the third year after the big relaunch of rpg-o-mania.

To begin the year, I decided to rework the recommendations section.

I added the new from SD to HD page and limited the timespan from 2006 - 2013. The "present day" subsequently begins now in 2014. I also added a new recommendation to the "From SD to HD" page.

posted by docower

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2019-12-31 19:33:12

So this year is going to end soon. There's some kind of debate going on if 2020 is really the beginning of a new decade or if the decade begins in 2021... For me, if it says 202x, it's the twenties. This might not technically be correct, but I'm a simple mind.

With the 20s beginning, it's the fourth decade where there's a page called rpg-o-mania. It all started in 1999, so we started in the 90s, thrived in the 2000s, barely made it to the 2010s (as NeverTheSameColor) and restarted in 2018.

I wish you and your loved ones all the best for the next year, may you be healthy and free of anything that could worry you.

We will continue next year!

posted by docower

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2019-12-31 08:07:11

Whoops, I released a review yesterday and forgot to announce it in the news. Glad thing I noticed, or else it could have taken up until next year to be released.

The review ist about Pokémon Shield, and it's the first things we review a Pokémon game here at rpg-o-mania.

I hope you enjoy the read, even if I'm not so much of a Pokémon man. I tried to be fair to the game, and I enjoyed it a lot :)

posted by docower

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2019-12-28 10:29:07

If you're a Final Fantasy fan, you most probably already saw these images on various RPG sites, but here they also are on rpg-o-mania:

Click to see new Final Fantasy VII remake artwork.

I hope you and your beloved ones had some great holidays! I think I'll manage another update this year, so no new year best wishes yet :)

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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