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2020-05-09 20:29:37

Today I worked some details here and there on the Trials of Mana remake class change guide.

I added information how to get the ??? seeds and also fixed some errors I made in the Riesz part of that guide.

Now back to playing the game :)

posted by docower

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2020-05-08 21:04:35

Since we're still in a Trials of Mana mood here on rpg-o-mania (well... we? It's just me, the webmaster, heh), I thought I write some of my thoughts about the original Trials of Mana battle system, which is an interesting one as it looks like an action system at first but is semi action, in fact.

Enjoy your read!

posted by docower

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2020-05-06 20:20:44

The last few days, I was working on a new wallpaper - it's about Trials of Mana, of course.

I made another version which is meant to be a little joke and resemble a fruit juice ad.

I added this version for the laughs, maybe you like that too!

Have a great rest of your day and stay as healthy as you can!

posted by docower

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2020-05-04 20:48:34

This is some kind of a small filler update :)

But you know, as I'm playing and enjoying the Trials of Mana update, I'm filling up the Trials of Mana screenshots gallery.

I'm also sharing these on Twitter (of course, because that's the reason I opened my Twitter account after all) - but here, you have them in the incredibly convenient rpg-o-mania galleries!

I have some other nice stuff in mind for updates, they will come the next days.

posted by docower

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2020-05-02 20:21:44

Today we just have a small addition to our Trials of Mana mobile wallpapers-gallery.

Well, it's a small addition, but to be honest, it was quite some work. If you compare the wallpaper to the official artwork, you might notice that I cut out Hawkeye and Kevin so that the wallpaper can fit to the screen better without showing cut characters.

posted by docower

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