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2020-08-26 21:40:48

I updated the Xenoblade page of our "Xeno impact" report. I added Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition as well as a remark about what's Monolith Soft doing nowadays.

It's just a relatively small addition, that's why I linked to the whole report up in the showcase. Maybe you've not noticed this one until now?

posted by docower

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2020-08-20 20:04:09

We have more Final Fantasy XIV art online!

This time, it's from a promotional set of pictures that Square Enix published in order to spread the world about an artbook that has been republished recently.

They're still nice enough artworks, so I figured to just put them online here. Enjoy!

posted by docower

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2020-08-14 21:50:28

I added a new article that covers one of Xenoblade's characters, Dickson. You can find out more about that here. Of course, this page is full of Spoilers!, but you should be able to avoid the spoiler as I added a new feature to rpg-o-mania.

Introducing "rpg-o-mania's spoiler shield", where we now can create a special link that keeps your eyes safe from any mean spoilers!

And if you finished Xenoblade - feel free to read the article!

posted by docower

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2020-08-11 22:59:08

I often hear good things about Final Fantasy XIV, and so I thought I'd add some of the nice artwork to our newly created Final Fantasy XIV gallery. Aside of that, you might have noticed that it's a bit quiet these days here.

I have lots of things to do right now, so time is scarce, but of course I have nice things to add to rpg-o-mania in the future. So just stay tuned and come back often! :)

posted by docower

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2020-08-05 11:24:35

If you haven't already noticed by the big banner on top of our front page, I reviewed Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition.

It's funny, I bought this game new when it was released on the Wii back in 2010, but never was able to really play it. And then again, I got the game in 2016 now on the 3DS, and wasn't able to play it again.

But now, finally, I finished it! :) Check out the review for details!

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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