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2018-01-23 07:27:26

I added the page to the Links page. This site seems to be a bit wobbly and some parts won't work anymore (like the contact forms, hence I couldn't ask them for a link exchange), but the content is still good nonetheless

On another note, I updated the Final Fantasy gallery quite extensively (although it is not as big as it was back in the days of the old RPG-O-Mania), but these images are quite good and I thought you might like them

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2018-01-18 12:43:01

Right now I'm being a full time dad, but I happen to have a spare minute here and there. This time, I drew a image for the Breath of Fire gallery. To make it easier for you, the image of Bow can be found here.

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2018-01-14 19:12:42

Just a short notice of what has happened the past few days. I reworked the layout a bit, it's a tad more colorful now - at least if your browser recognized the changes and reloads the files. It's nothing big, though.

On another note, I reworked the news system a bit so that the main page only shows the newest three entries. Again, nothing special, but the page continues to be worked on.

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2018-01-12 12:53:31

The series of updates continues: The Grandia galleries have been updated.

Just like in the old days, don't you think? :)

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2018-01-10 21:32:33

Just as a short notice - the Links have been updated with a few noteworthy sites that I'm glad are still online.

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Really darn old news

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