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2018-03-07 21:40:07

There are changes over at the recommendations. The first thing you might not notice (especially when it's your first time you're taking a look over there) is that the game recommendations are now alphabetically sorted.

The bigger change involves five games - I added all of the Breath of Fire games to the recommendations

I think I really should flesh out some of these recommendations to be fully fledged spotlight reports...

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2018-02-26 21:00:07

Oh well, now the updates really come cheaper by the dozen. But you see, I'm really quite motivated and so I'm always writing some stuff for rpg-o-mania. I extended the "good rpgs for every era" and added Phantasy Star IV, Suikoden and Suikoden 2. You can find them here.

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2018-02-25 18:59:57

I added another bunch of old rpg-o-mania images to the Breath of Fire gallery.

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2018-02-23 05:41:37

A new and old friend has arrived - the Shining series galleries are back! I have fond memories when I take a look at these galleries again while picking the best images for new rpg-o-mania here. Enjoy!

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2018-02-21 20:55:30

Small and big changes at the same time... I added a few description texts to the galleries. In the old tradition of rpg-o-mania, I will start to get more gallery stuff online in the next few updates!

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Really darn old news

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