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2018-04-01 07:01:55

No April fool's joke here today, I just wanted to inform you that I'm currently recreating some artwork from old RPG-O-Mania that wasn't of high enough quality to put it here. Stay tuned, the first one will come soon!

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2018-03-23 19:55:35

It's Setsuna time here at rpg-o-mania! I wrote an article about the people behind "I am Setsuna" and "Lost Sphear", Tokyo RPG Factory. Check it out here, it can be found in Coverage, People behind.

I hope you enjoy the little tidbit of information I collected.

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2018-03-18 19:43:12

In preparation of more to come, enjoy the Setsuna galleries that cover both "I am Setsuna" and "Lost Sphear". Reviews and in-depth coverage of these games come up soon!

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2018-03-11 07:30:37

Today, I added some Suikoden images from the old rpg-o-mania here.

You see, I only added the better ones of those images. The Suikoden galleries of the old page were huge, but there were lots of pictures from the early days of the internet that are not nice to look at anymore.

This is why I need to look through all the galleries again when uploading files. Not only because I need to check for what images I have the right to post them (which has been granted by Konami back in the day) but also which images are still good enough for today's high resolution screens.

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2018-03-10 17:39:44

Just a short notice - whenever there are new images in the gallery, these new ones will be shown just on top, means I changed the sorting to be from newest to oldest. Maybe I should allow users to change the sorting, hmm...

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Really darn old news

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