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2019-03-21 19:15:47

While we're on the topic of galleries - I added a new one for Eternal Sonata.

This was a really good game and I have fond memories of it playing together with my nephew. He was 14, 15 at that time and we met up every Sunday at my parents', talked about everything that happened during that week and played along. This was a great time, about ten years ago.

posted by docower

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2019-03-20 19:20:49

Capcom is a really nice company. When I restarted the rpg-o-mania project, I reached out to many companies to make sure I'm allowed to post art here. The first ones to respond and the easiest of them all was Capcom.

This is why today we have a bunch of nice Breath of Fire images online. It's really nice art, enjoy.

posted by docower

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2019-03-19 19:29:05

Well look who's back? It's the Suikoden 108 Stars of Destiny page that went online on April 20th, 2000. It contains various tidbits of information and personal opinion about various characters.

I really had to change some lines since things I found funny when I was 18 almost 20 years ago aren't funny to present-day me.

It's really funny to think about it - the section was written more than 18 years ago, and I was 18 years at that time. So basically, this section is now older than I was when I wrote it. Crazy stuff, this time thing.

posted by docower

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2019-03-17 18:19:22

There once was a game from tri-ace that wasn't incredibly hard or unforgiving, but rather tons of hours of fun. It was a game that made every person in the world recruitable, leaving even likes of Suikoden behind them. It was a light hearted game with a nice story and a (somewhat) bland soundtrack - Radiata Stories.

We have a new (old) gallery for that game now online.

posted by docower

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2019-03-14 08:17:44

Haha funny, you see, yesterday I updated this page - there is another Suikoden Rune online in the corresponding section.

Well, that's basically not that funny in itself, but I forgot to announce the update. Precisely, I didn't exactly forget it, I just updated it at the wrong place and notified only myself on my own computer.

Anyway, here it is - the new rune!

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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