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2019-04-07 18:37:47

I'm working on a new set of articles that cover death in RPGs, just like the "Love and RPGs" articles, just this time with death.

In the meantime, I checked old rpg-o-mania again and uploaded a few Final Fantasy images I scanned myself back then.

posted by docower

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2019-04-04 15:08:59

I'm currently playing Evoland 2, a nice game I played almost four years ago. Since it has great art and is overall a pretty good game, I thought that we could use a gallery for this game and that a review would be nice.

It's a 80% game, so it's surely worth checking out!

posted by docower

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2019-03-30 23:35:48

A short update in the evening! As you might have noticed in the navigation, the "Spotlight" section is gone and has been replaced by easier to understand "Reviews" and "Previews".

Other than that, nothing has changed, all links should still work!

posted by docower

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2019-03-29 07:05:11

Back in 2003, I was pretty hyped about Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, the first "Final Fantasy" titled game to return to a Nintendo console since Final Fantasy VI in 1994. This was a pretty fun ride, which I played together with friends.

The team announced a new set of games, called "Code Age" a few months after Crystal Chronicles had been released. The artist was the same as in Crystal Chronicles and everything looked pretty good, but eventually failed commercially.

We have a gallery about these games online now - it's here.

posted by docower

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2019-03-26 19:28:41

Another visitor from the past reappears: The Suikoden tips section is back online. It contains some tips I collected about 18 years ago, and I thought that it would be nice if this site has all of the content that was available in older RPG-O-Mania versions - at least if they make just a teeny bit of sense.

Anyway, enjoy the short read!

Addendum: I noticed that I somehow updated a work in progress version of RPG and love sometime in the past few weeks. Well, I fixed this today and the full showcase is online again.

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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