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2021-05-11 22:17:37

I wanted to do a bigger update for today (since I have something planned for our recently reworked "music and RPGs" corner), but I wasn't able to do it just yet.

So as an excuse, there is a new and slightly refurbished artwork of Erim over in our Lufia gallery.

This artwork is from the DS version and it's pretty nice, although I love her getup from Lufia II on the SNES more.

posted by docower

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2021-05-06 22:24:53

Today I've changed the former "RPG and pop music" section.

Ever since I added the piece where Breath of Fire III was inspired by Chrono Trigger, I thought more about music in RPGs that were inspired by other RPGs.

The first entry in this list makes no other than Nobuo Uematsu with his tunes "Aria Di Mezzo Carattere", the famous opera piece from Final Fantasy VI and Aerith Theme, not less famous for certain scenes in Final Fantasy VII.

More about this topic to come in the future!

posted by docower

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2021-04-29 12:38:13

Since we had the Fantasian review in the last update, today I thought I'd add some additional artwork so that you can enjoy the designs along with the review to read.

And so, here it is: The new Fantasian art gallery.

I still haven't got my fingers on that game; I wait till part 2 has been released.

posted by docower

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2021-04-27 22:32:49

Today, our friend Binary Scroll submitted a nice review for the new RPG Fantasian, the latest game from Hironobu Sakaguchi with a soundtrack made by Nobuo Uematsu.

This game has the spirit of older Final Fantasy games, alongside with really beautiful handmade visuals.

Binary Scroll really liked this game - read the review for details!

posted by docower

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2021-04-26 22:24:34

Just a small art update today. Since NieR √1.5 was released just recently, I thought I'd add some of Square's recent artworks to the corresponding gallery.

There are also always new screenshots over in the Final Fantasy XIV screenshot gallery online.

For the next update, we are currently preparing a nice special :)

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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