2018-01-10 21:32:33
Just as a short notice - the Links have been updated with a few noteworthy sites that I'm glad are still online.
2018-01-07 15:23:29
It really feels good to re-announce updates here on rpg-o-mania. I have added artwork to the breath of fire and suikoden galleries. And they're self-drawn, so you won't likely find them anywhere else! :)
2018-01-01 14:59:31
Might you believe it that rpg-o-mania is truly online again? And it's not only a vague attempt in restoring something that was once here, this website has about 80% of the content rpg-o-mania had when it went offline back in 2008
So the hiatus ended, and if you'd like to know more about rpg-o-mania's history, check out the history section over at the coverage button in the navigation
So please feel free to stroll around here, check out the content that is online now and make sure to check back soon as new content is going to be updated regularly
Well, updates will not at all be as frequent as they were back in the mid 2000s, since I have family and other responsibilities to attend. But this little baby will remain online!
Enjoy the return of rpg-o-mania,