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2019-07-02 14:36:43

Today I added a classic review from Suikoden. If I remember correctly, this was the first review ever to be published on this site in 2000.

This review itself is 19 years old now. Nineteen years! Of course I added a section with a comment from modern times - feel free to enjoy and see how gamers saw this legendary RPG back when it was still relatively new!

posted by docower

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2019-07-01 09:16:25

"The high quality rpg media archive" is back. Today, we have a load of nice Grandia artworks.

Grandia is a summer game for me. I played it in the summer of 2000 on my newly purchased PlayStation console - I exchanged my standard Playstation 1 with a modded version that could be used for playing imports. And just as the internet was at my hands and imported rpgs were easy to fetch, I played the horrible german version of Grandia that had some strange translation choices and sometimes german voice acting that just overlaid the english one.

It was still better than the French version, though.

Now with the rerelease of Grandia HD coming up, I feel like playing Grandia again.

posted by docower

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2019-06-30 19:18:47

Just a small update today and no old review either - yay!

I added two nice images to the Oninaki gallery. One is a better version of an artwork already posted here, the other one is new.

rpg-o-mania has always been a resource for art and media. I'm happy to find nice images about interesting games here and there which I can add to the galleries, but I'm not so pleased about the music section. Music nowadays is often streamed, and great fan made music can be found over at Overclocked Remix.

Midis are pretty dead as well, maybe I should start looking for great mod files again... 😄

posted by docower

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2019-06-27 12:33:12

We continue our streak with blasts from the past by releasing the review of Chrono Trigger. This review was initially published on RPG Xanadu back in 2001, and it was one of the most motivated written reviews anytime, granting the game a score of 11 - on a scale of 1 - 10! 😅

Of course I kept this original rating, but I added another rating box with my personal review. So it's all there - past memories and quality journalism, like you're used to here at rpg-o-mania!

(Did I really just write "quality journalism"... 🤣)

posted by docower

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2019-06-24 09:41:56

The vintage review series continues! It's pretty much fun for me to get through the old reviews and add some thoughts to them.

I know that they have some juvenile slang to them sometimes, but you have to realize that they've been written by RPG fans in their late teens, and I don't want to change that so that you can really feel the early 2000s vibe!

Today, I added a review about Final Fantasy VII.

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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