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2018-08-26 11:15:00

After the announcement of two Grandias on the Nintendo Switch, I'm still sort of in a Grandia mood. So I checked old rpg-o-mania's galleries and found some nice Grandia images I uploaded into the corresponding gallery.

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2018-08-23 20:02:17

A new day, a new update. There's a new link over at the links section, this time to a german site,, a really nice website that covers many things Suikoden.

Back at the old rpg-o-mania, I also linked to many german sites and yeah, let's continue this!

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2018-08-22 20:21:17

This was more for testing purposes, but since Grandia remakes or at least remasters have been announced: Here are two images from Grandia 2!

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2018-08-20 19:57:25

The last few updates consisted of Shining Force wallpapers, this time we're going to cover something different.

Back in 1999, when I played Phantasy Star IV, I captured every cutscene and all images from these scenes individually and posted them here at rpg-o-mania.

In total, they are almost 300 images, but i didn't convert them from the old rpg-o-mania gallery when I relaunched this site in january. I wanted to do something bigger. Something that's more than a mere gallery.

And here we have a totally revamped gallery of all the images. I hope you enjoy them.

And I also hope you forgive 18-year-old DocOwer in 1999 that he saved all images as JPG and not GIF.

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2018-08-15 10:24:44

Artists are pesky people. I still was not satisfied with most of the latest Shining wallpapers, so I redid them - again. I hope you like them as much more as I do now :)

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Really darn old news

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1999 - 2024 Florian Auer. Contents written by me CC-BY-SA 4.0. Details: Copyright / Impressum. Version 13.3

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