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2018-09-22 10:18:14

Ah finally. We have the next list of Octopath things online, now it's a list of all the bows.

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2018-09-20 20:50:05

Just a short notice of what's going on. I had some stressful business and harvesting things to do the past few days, so I wasn't able to complete any tasks regarding rpg-o-mania.

Well, except for the backend, which I developed further, but this doesn't help you, my dear reader. I'll do my best to come up with an update tomorrow!

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2018-09-16 20:21:49

Octopath list of things are continued with this update.

This time around, we have the Axes covered.

More to come soon, as you would probably expect :)

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2018-09-14 20:14:45

Again, the Octopath lists of things have been updated. This time, I added the daggers. I also noticed that it is quite uncertain where some items can be obtained in my list (in contrast to the Google document), so I will rework the tables soon so that they can show you where you can steal or purchase equipment.

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2018-09-12 20:15:50

Basically, I wanted to continue with my Octopath Traveller list of things, but I had some stressful days again and Square decided to remaster Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles on the PS4 and the Nintendo Switch game consoles, so I couldn't resist.

Here is the old FF:CC art gallery again. Now I think I have to redo the old FF:CC shrine...

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Really darn old news

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