25 years, 25 recommendations

Written in 2024 by vio81

To celebrate this sites' 25th birthday, good old friend vio81* stepped in and offered to write a really great set of articles that honor 25 years of RPG fun, but with a twist.

It's not about the 25 greatest games, but rather 25 recommendations on various levels of how to perceive our great hobby.

There will be a couple of articles that each give some recommendations, with packs of five each. They are always grouped together given an overarching theme.

Sit back, grab a drink or a snack, and enjoy this wonderful journey through the past years. And if you want to read my rather boring approach to a kind-of similar topic, you can check out our official recommendations for every era.

So as always, if you have anything you notice, feel free to contact us anytime.

* He doesn't really go by that nickname anymore, but since that good chap changes nicks more than I change underwear, I kept by the name you can still read in old news pages here.

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