Written in 2020
North Window was a town located at Lake Dunan in the world of Suikoden. It was briefly mentioned in Suikoden I as a city that was raided by a vampire called Neclord.
The town then became a ghost town, its houses and fortifications slowly decaying.
During the events of Suikoden 2, Neclord came back to attack North Window's sister city, South Window. People from South Window sought shelter in this newly reinhabited town that was then renamed Dunan Castle by the player's hero.
The new masters of North Window fortified the castle to create a true castle town that attrackted refugees from around a civil war-ridden country.
The big castle offered accomodation for not only soldiers, but also regular townspeople, farmers, mechants and more.
From a player's perspective, this was a great and nice place to be; after you recruited the right personnell, you had a vast amount of shops and services to your disposal.
Dunan Castle was more than just service for the players. It was a nice, medieval european-style castle town with small huts, people living in there, full of hope of a new, bright future. I liked being there.
About this town
Name: North Window (previous) / Dunan Castle (now)
Game: Suikoden II
Type: Headquarter town, regular town
Recommended for: Great architecture, scenery, close to Lake Dunan
Look out for: Sieges by Highland generals