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2024-04-18 21:32:10

I checked out all of the coverage pages today and clicked all the source links to see if they're all okay.

Especially in the "RPG and music" section, I had to do a lot of replacing of old YouTube links that didn't work anymore.

I also added some new information here and there and removed bits that weren't correct anymore.

Feel free to browse our Coverage section and enjoy all of the newly cleaned up glory! :)

posted by docower

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2024-04-14 17:36:33

Square Enix released a bunch of nice artwork from SaGa: Emerald Beyond.

It still looks pretty good.

Honestly, I think I'm starting to like games that are not in the AAA spectrum more than the big ones.

Often, those A- or even B-products are done with love and passion, and they usually don't utilize this new trend of requiring lots of online things or even a cash shop for simple offline games.

Anyway, the artwork is in our corresponding gallery!

posted by docower

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2024-03-30 21:43:34

Star Ocean 2 R didn't really catch with me. I never really got into the item creation, and without the item creation, the game sometimes is pretty difficult. Maybe that's just not my cup of tea.

Artwork, however, is my cup of tea, and Square Enix released some nice artworks together with the release of this games' patch.

So, if you enjoy(ed) the game and the artwork, that's a double win for you!

Find them in the art gallery here.

posted by docower

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2024-03-17 16:59:03

Square Enix released a lot of artwork for SaGa: Emerald Beyond over the course of the past weeks, and I thought I'd share them - over in or SaGa gallery.

The game is still kind of intriguing to me, but as I said numerous times before, I'm a bit afraid of too experimental RPGs. And SaGa is the epiphamy of experimental games.

As soon as a review of this game pops up in our reviews section, you know one of us played it, eventually.

Right now my enthusiasm is a bit lower than it was before, as the render / ingame models you can see in the gallery are somewhat... underwhelming. In my opinion, at least.

posted by docower

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